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Saturday, June 29, 2024 | Back issues
Courthouse News Service Courthouse News Service
Lily Radziemski

Lily Radziemski

Lily Radziemski is the France correspondent for Courthouse News. She has written for The New York Times, Al Jazeera, The Washington Post and others.

Follow @lilyradz

Latest Articles by Lily Radziemski

New left-wing coalition in France polls better than centrists, but long-term durability is doubtful

France’s New Popular Front coalition brought four political parties together in a matter of days to combat the leading far-right National Rally. But experts doubt whether the alliance will survive in the long term.

Fighting to keep his job amid a bleak outlook for centrists, PM Attal urges France to vote for balance

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal urged Marseille voters to reject extremes on Friday. Early polls show the far right and far left have a significant lead on President Emmanuel Macron's centrists ahead of snap legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.

In Marseille, Glucksmann takes battle against far right to the streets

As France's Raphaël Glucksmann campaigned for the left wing's freshly formed coalition, his message for upcoming snap elections was clear: Keep the far right out of power.
