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Friday, June 28, 2024 | Back issues
Courthouse News Service Courthouse News Service

Personal Injury

Constant pickleball racket driving suburban Denver neighbors up a sound wall

Neighbors in a Colorado suburb have been asking the city to curb the pickleball racket since last November.

Botched circumcision

HOUSTON — An appeals court in Texas found that a mother properly served a timely expert report to the doctor she is suing after he botched her infant son’s circumcision, which went so poorly that the child will need plastic surgery and skin grafts to correct the errors. She served the report, before suing, to the doctor’s professional liability insurance carrier, which satisfied the service requirements.

Exploiting elders

HONOLULU — The Hawaii Court of Appeals found that an 85-year-old man’s caretaker financially exploited him by using his credit cards; though the elderly man testified he had authorized the purchases, his confusion during the hearing properly led the lower court to determine he was a vulnerable person.

Pride parade beating

CHICAGO — A Chicago liquor store owner won’t be getting a new trial in Illinois federal court on damages or remittitur after jurors found him liable for starting a fight with Chicago Pride Parade attendees in 2018. The man, who harassed a group of friends and slammed them with slurs before punching a woman twice and dragging her by her braids, remains liable for more than $173,000 in damages. The damages are not excessive, the court ruled.

Redact the names

CHICAGO — Former youth volleyball coach Rick Butler may compel production of documents from the women’s sports advocacy group that accused him of having inappropriate relationships with minors between 1994 and 2018. The coach sued for conspiracy and tortious interference, claiming the claims were false and ruined his career; the court says none of the documents he requested are shielded from discovery, and only need the names and contact information of alleged victims redacted.

No immunity for sheriff

LAKE CHARLES, La. — A Louisiana sheriff did not win immunity against the negligent hiring and supervision claims he’s facing after a male deputy was criminally charged with raping a female pretrial detainee he was guarding at a hospital in 2019. The woman died, but her mother sues because the guard’s presence violated the sheriff’s written policy against having a male deputy guarding a female inmate without another male deputy present, if no female deputy is available. Due to this, and the guard’s history of drug abuse and psychological treatment, the sheriff may be liable.
