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Tuesday, June 25, 2024 | Back issues
Courthouse News Service Courthouse News Service

Clinton, Trump Emerge in Unsealed Epstein Evidence

She told the lawyers about flying in a helicopter with Bill, and how Jeffrey Epstein boasted about his friendship with Donald.

MANHATTAN (CN) – She told the lawyers about flying in a helicopter with Bill, and how Jeffrey Epstein boasted about his friendship with Donald.

In an avalanche of files made public Friday, a 2016 deposition with alleged Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre darkens the doors of two U.S. presidents with testimony about their connections with the convicted sex offender.

The sweeping interview, only 20 pages of which appear in a newly unsealed exhibit, takes Giuffre through a list of statements attributed to her by Mail on Sunday reporter Sharon Churcher.

Asked by an attorney to identify whether any of the Churcher statements were inaccurate, Giuffre put check marks next to about a dozen bombshells, clarifying details such as who saw President Bill Clinton get into a “huge black helicopter” with accused Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell.

“I said to Sharon that Ghislaine told me that she flew Bill in the heli- —the black helicopter that Jeffrey bought her, and I just wanted to clarify that I didn't actually see her do that,” Giuffre said, referring to a trip she took to the Caribbean with Epstein when she was 17 years old. “I heard from Ghislaine that she did that.”

Giuffre told Churcher that she used to get scared flying with Maxwell — the helicopter was a present from Epstein — and that Clinton had Secret Service with him on such trips.

Whether Clinton remarked about the “good job” Maxwell did, or who Donald Trump had sex with, though, Giuffre could not say.

“I didn't physically see him have sex with any of the girls, so I can't say who he had sex with in his whole life or not, but I just know it wasn't with me when I was with other girls,” Giuffre said.

She never saw Trump and Epstein together, but “Jeffrey told me that Donald Trump is a good friend of his,” she said.

As for Trump flirting with her, something that Churcher reported, Giuffre said this wasn’t true.

“Donald Trump never flirted with me,” Giuffre said. “Then the next sentence is, ‘He'd laugh and tell Jeffrey, “you've got the life.”' I never said that to her.”

The 2016 deposition took place during Giuffre’s defamation lawsuit against Maxwell for denying sex-trafficking accusations. Scores of other powerful figures, both known and unknown, emerge in the trove.

In one 883-page exhibit collection, Guiffre testifies about orders she received from Maxwell to have sex with New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, financier Glenn Dubin, model scout Jean-Luc Brunel, former Senator George Mitchell and others.

“There was, you know, another foreign president, I can’t remember his name,” Giuffre said at the time, asked to list the powerful figures she had been asked to service. “He was Spanish.”

Giuffre’s attorneys detail similar allegations by Johanna Sjoberg, who had been 21 years old when she told the Daily Mail that Prince Andrew had groped her at a party.

“Just to briefly highlight a few, Johanna Sjoberg, testified that defendant recruited her under the guise of a legitimate assistant position, but asked her to perform sexual massages for Epstein, and punished her when she didn’t cause Epstein to orgasm,” Giuffre’s attorney Sigrid McCawley wrote in a 66-page brief.

The documents quote Tony Figueroa, an individual now known to have once dated Giuffre, as testifying that Maxwell “contacted him to recruit high school-aged girls for Epstein, and also testified that Maxwell and Epstein participated in multiple threesomes with Virginia Giuffre.”

“Even more shockingly, the butler for defendant’s close friend witnessed, first-hand, a fifteen-year-old Swedish girl crying and shaking because defendant was attempting to force her to have sex with Epstein and she refused,” it continues, referring to Maxwell as the defendant.

“I just remember someone suggesting a photo, and they told us to go get on the couch,” the brief quotes Sjoberg having testified. “And so, Andrew and Virginia sat on the couch, and they put the puppet, the puppet on her lap. And so, then I sat on Andrew’s lap, and I believe on my own volition, and  they took the puppet’s hands and put it on Virginia’s breast, and so Andrew put his on mine.”

Giuffre’s attorneys claimed that their client also had been “lent out” to the prince.

Epstein's deposition, included in the 883-page file, is far thinner on details.

Though the questioning goes on for several pages, Epstein's answer to every question consists of one word: "Fifth."

The Second Circuit made them public today. Other exhibits show that Giuffre and Churcher emailed each other about the Epstein case and discussed Giuffre's plans to write a book.

Categories / Criminal, Entertainment, Politics

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